Easton Corbin
Easton CorbinEaston CorbinEaston CorbinT. Graham Brown
T. Graham BrownT. Graham BrownT. Graham BrownDeana Carter
Deana CarterDeana CarterDeana CarterSigned in as:
Signed in as:
Welcome to the 29th annual Northwest Alabama Saddle-Up for St. Jude Trail Ride and Concert! There are over 3000 acres of riding trails to enjoy along with our featured entertainment of local musicians and country music stars, Easton Corbin, T. Graham Brown, and Deana Carter. Our auction Saturday afternoon will be something you don’t want to miss. We are also proud to feature what we think is bar none the best concessions and food anywhere! This Shoals Area Event has raised over $ 4 million dollars for St. Jude the past 28 years. So, bring your lawn chair and a thankful heart as we join in our tradition of supporting the best of causes! fundraising for St Jude.
See You There!!
Founder: Jimmy King
All 3 nights for only $60.00 ea per person
Thursday or Friday tickets $20.00 per person per night
Saturday tickets $40.00 ea. per person
All tickets can be bought at the gate
or at local locations of Singing River dentistry offices.
NO all-terrain vehicles allowed during St. Jude weekend except those used by St. Jude volunteers.
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
T- shirts willl be available at all Shoals area Singing River Dentistry locations and will also be sold at the event.
Thank you to all the volunteers who make this a wonderful , successful event!
The Gardiner family for opening their beautiful farm up for this event , the grounds crew that work countless hours on the grounds, the musicians that volunteer their time and talents, the gate crew that works taking the gate money and tickets, the concession stand workers that produce the wonderful food, the Kid Zone helpers and the parking crew that helps park the cars, the people that provide auction items and the auction volunteers. This event would not be possible with out ALL the volunteers and sponsors!
We have the best volunteers bar none!
Thank you again for helping to raise money for the Children at St. Jude Children’s Hospital!
We are growing each year and would love your help. If you would like to volunteer your time, please let us know.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |